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Books - The End

The End

by Gary McMahon

Forget zombies, they were just the beginning.  This is…

The End

“Gary McMahon is a spellbinding storyteller.”
 – Graham Joyce

A strange suicide plague grips the city of London, tearing apart the fabric of society. To escape this madness, a small group of strangers must journey north in search of safety.  

Everyone and everything must eventually come to an End, but in this case it happens quicker and with more savagery than anyone could ever have imagined. When chaos reigns and things start to fall apart, The End might be closer than you think... and sometimes The End is really the beginning of something much worse...

Available as eBook, paperback and signed hardback; the hardback edition is limited to just 50 numbered copies. 

“The End is a masterful entry in apocalyptic fiction, deeply emotional, beautifully written…  A fast paced adventure story with a strong heart that will leave your emotions battered and bruised.” – The Ginger Nuts of Horror   

“He’s one of the darkest – which is to say brightest – new stars in the firmament of horror fiction.” – Ramsey Campbell

“Gary McMahon’s horror is heartfelt, his characters flawed and desperate...” – Tim Lebbon

“Gary McMahon is one of the finest of a new breed of horror writers. His work combines spare, elegant writing with an acute sense of the growing desperation felt by those having to deal with the crime and crumbling infrastructure of our urban centres. Illuminating these themes with a visionary’s sense of the supernatural…” – Steve Rasnic Tem

£10.99 (Paperback)
Published: 15/09/2014
Pages: 192 pp.
Cover Artist: Andy Bigwood
Typesetter: Ian Whates
Language: English
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